What is Wabi-Sabi
Wabi Sabi refers to the beauty of the impermanent, the imperfect, the rustic, and the melancholy.
It derives from a respect for what is passing, fragile, slightly broken and modest.
It believes that things are always more beautiful forbearing the marks of age, and individuality.
It suggests that wisdom comes from making peace with transitory, imperfect, and unheroic natures.
The place we really have to come to terms with imperfection, melancholy and age is within ourselves.
Wabi-Sabi urges us to take a second look at what we might otherwise dismiss or treat with disdain. It recognizes that our tastes are not fixed, and that if someone with talent and artistic grace urges us to look more sympathetically at some moss, a slightly wonky teacup, or indeed, the wise wrinkled face of a friend. Thru this we may be able to find charm and beauty here too. With the ideals of Wabi-Sabi in mind, we may learn to find greater satisfaction in the humbler moments; in a walk down a slightly crooked path, or on an overcast autumn day, or a less than blemish free house, face, or soul.
Credit: The School of Life
Wabi Sabi Fine Art Collection
• Each image is printed as a giclee, in our studio on fine art paper.
• There will be only 50 copies of each size print.
• Each print is hand sighed, and given a limited edition number (#/50).
• Three sizes; 8.5"x11", 13"x19", or 17"x22".
• Each is printed as large as possible without compromising the composition of the image.

WS 1

WS 2
The Entraprenure

WS 3
It's Nice To Meet You

WS 4
Chino Waiting For Juan

WS 5
The Old Wall

WS 7
Stone Hinge

WS 8
Mossy Top

WS 9
Salisbury Cathedral

WS 10
Beach Stones

WS 11
Sham Rocks

WS 12

WS 13
The Sun Stone

WS 14
The Entrance

WS 15

WS 16
The Path

WS 17

WS 18
I Wonder What's Inside

WS 19
A Tree

WS 20
Well Traveled

WS 21

WS 22
A Nice Town

WS 23
Our Ringling Brothers Elephant Hauler

WS 24
Empty Nester

WS 25
Wall Flower

WS 26

WS 27
Good Times Long Ago

WS 28
Whidden's Marina

WS 29
Tyler 1987

WS 30
Remember Them

WS 31
Behind The Gate

WS 32

WS 33

WS 34

WS 35


WS 37

WS 38

WS 39

WS 40
Early Morning BS

WS 41
Toy Bear

WS 42
Toy Camel

WS 43

WS 44
Toy Elephant

WS 45

WS 46
Sky Sailer

WS 47
Stone Soup

WS 48

WS 49

WS 50

WS 51
Select From The Wabi-Sabi Collection
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